Customer Testimonials

Neil Burges

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"Yes this is Neil Burgess with MMR Holding. We recently sold an MRI unit to Atlantis and our experience was very positive with them and very easy to work with them and all assets of the transaction. They made it very convenient for us throughout the process. They were always very responsive of anything that came up. We believe it was a very fair price for the unit. They handled all details of removal and putting the space back together and very importantly they worked well with the property manager to get all of that done and took that off of our hands so it was very very easy to work with them. They were highly professional, very responsive and it was great not to have to be involved in all the details of the removal. So we would definitely use them again."

Joyce from Yorke

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"I appreciated the honesty and integrity I saw from Jeff Weiss… I would highly recommend Atlantis Worldwide."